Food and Farming: what future for Europe?
The Farm to Fork strategy sets the general principles for the future of our food system but on what basis?
Join us to discuss the progress already made in European agri-food production, the necessary changes and how a balanced approach can actually lead to meeting the requirements of Farm to Fork and the Green Deal.
The start of the ecological transition makes it necessary to reflect on the role of livestock supply chains in the Farm to Fork strategy. This strategy will in fact represent a substantial change in the EU agricultural and food policy and it will have a structural impact on food production and the productivity of the entire sector over the next 10 years.
The European associations representing the whole livestock chain recently launched an appeal to be more closely involved in the legislative process that will lead to the application of the F2F strategy. They fear that, in drafting this strategic plan, the enormous progress made and the interconnection of this supply chain with other important strategic food and non-food chains has not been taken into consideration. As a follow-up, the European supply chain linked to livestock farming joins together to initiate a dialogue with the European institutions on this issue.